
272 Webdynpro ABAP ,FPM & Adobe Forms Interview Questions .

272 Webdynpro ABAP ,FPM & Adobe Forms Interview Questions .

1. Difference between ABAP & Webdynpro ABAP applications?
2. Difference between DropDown By key & DropDown By Index?
3. Under which circumstances you will use DropDown By key & DropDown By Index?
4. What are Events for Table, DropDown By key & DropDown By Index, Itemlistbox?
5. What are the properties of Input field, Table, Image, DDBK, DDBI, Itemlistbox?
6. What is domain? What is a data element?
7. What is the different between BAPI & RFC?
8. Can you bind id property for any UI Element with an attribute?
9. What is service call? What is the purpose of it?
10.What is cardinality? How many types of cardinality?
11. What is selection cardinality & collection cardinality?
12. Which combination of collection cardinality, the selection cardinality is not applicable?
13. What is context binding? Or Data binding?
14. What is context mapping? How many types? What are they?
15. What is internal context mapping?
16. What is external context mapping?
17. Can we use data element & data type for context attributes?
18. What is MVC Architecture? What is the advantage of MVC architecture? How MVC
architecture is applicable in WDABAP apps?
20. How to use Table,DropDown By key & DropDown By Index, Image, Itemlistbox uielements in a view?
21. Can we embed one view in another view? How? What is purpose of view container UI elements?
22. What is a purpose of Interactive form UI element?
23. What are the advantages of using Adobe forms in WDABAP apps?
24. Different between Smart forms & Adobe forms?
25. What is purpose of “wd_This”?
26. What is purpose of “wd_Context” ?
27. What is purpose of “wd_Comp_controller”?
28. How to navigate from one view to another view?
29. How to transfer data form one view to another view?
30. What is navigation link?
31. What is view controller?
32. What is purpose of component controller? 
33. difference between Component controller and view controller? Under which situation we need to use component controller?
34. What is the purpose of creating an “Application” for WD component?
35. Can we use multiple webdynpro components under one project?
36. What is purpose of MIMES?
37. What is the basic structure of WD Component?
38. What is an empty view?
39. What is URL & FQDN in WDABAP?
40. What is the main intention behind WDABAP apps?
41. What are the main features of WDABAP?
42. Why a client should implement WDABAP apps?
43. What is the tool for WDABAP app development? Which Version of WDABAP you have used?
44. What is the purpose of “Assistance Class”?
45. What are the Methods Available in Interface “IF_WD_CONTEXT_NODE”?
46. Different between node & attribute?
47. How to provide multi select functionality for table UI element in WDABAP?
48. What are problems/errors u have encountered while developing WDABAP apps?
49. What is cross controller method call?
What is Cross Component method call?
50. What is the purpose of using “webdynpro code wizard”?
51. What is the difference between WDABAP & WDJAVA?
52. How you will convince your existing client to implement WDABAP apps?
53.Under which situation u will use Custom controller? Did u use it in u r Project?
54. What are the critical errors u have encountered as part of u r project development?
55.What are the mandatory properties of Table,ProgressIndicator,Image,Inputfield,ItemListBox Dropdownbykey,Dropdownbyindex?
56.What are the events for Table Ui element ,dropdownbykey,dropdownbyindex?
57. How many controllers will be available as part of a component?
58. Explain About Webdynpro Architecture?
59. What is View Container UI element? How to use it?
60. What is View Assembly?
61. What are the various Standard Hooker Methods?
62. What is the Interface controller?
63. What happens when u apply service call?
64. How to access all static attributes of a Node Element?
65. Which Interface is used for Reporting Messages?
66. How to provide Dynamic Value Selector?
67. How many Types of Input Help Modes are Available?
68. How one component will communicate with another component?
69. What are different types of windows in webdynpro?
70. What is the purpose of Business Graphics in webdynpro?
71. Difference between SVS , EVS , OVS, DVS ?
72. What are the various Layouts available ? What is the Default Layout?
73. What is the Composite UI Element? Which UI elements are Composite?
74. What are the common standard hooker methods available in Every controller?
75. What is the significance of supply function?
76. How to provide Multiselect functionality on Table UI elemnt?
77. How to provide Table Popins in Table UI element?
78. How to delete Selected records from a Table/Node UI element?
79. Difference between Interface controler and component controler and custom
controller and view controller?
80. Which development objects are Faceless objects?
81. Which development objects are considered as Visual entities?
82. What is the use of "File UPload" Screen element?
83. What is the purpose of “WDDOMODIFYVIEW()” Method? When this method is called?what type of coding is recommended in that method?
84. Whether Dynamic Programming is a Good Approach?
85. How many Types of Dynamic Modifications can be made at runtime?
What are they? What is the purpose of Dynamic Modifications? Under What Circumstances we need to prefer Dynamic Modifications?
86. How to send data from one component to another component ?
87. What is purpose of Webdynpro Component Usage?What is the Advantage of it?
88. What is Component Interface?
89. What is Cross Component Context Mapping?
What is Direct Context Mapping and Reverse Context Mapping?
90. What is the MVC architecture ? what is the advantage ?
91. What is the Dynamic Component Usage?
92. What is the purpose of Interface view ?
93. What is the startup plug and exit plug ?
94. Can you describe the system landscape of your project ?
95. What is the webdynpro Personalization (P13N) ?
96. What is the Dynamic programming in webdynpro apps ?
97. How to create the inputfields,labels,DDBI,DDBK,TABLE
UIelements,Images,Progress Indicators Dynamically at runtime?
98. What is the purpose of "WDvisibility "? When to use it?
What is the purpose of "WDY_Boolean " ? when to use it
99. How to creates OVS (object value selector ) ?
100. What is the duration of u r project?
101. How many full-life cycle implementations u have completed?
102. How many components and views u have developed as part of u r project?
103. How many Endusers will access the apps/projects developed by u?
104. In which situation u will create custom controller?
105. What are the Events available for TableUI element?
106. What is the purpose of MIMES directory in Webdynpro apps?
107. How many Phases are involved in developing a WebDynpro application?
108. What are predefined methods in Webdynpro?
109. What are Lifecycle methods in Webdynpro?
110. How to Delete records from TABLE/NODE in WD Frontend without deleting the actual records in sap backend system?
111. Which controller is called as Default Custom controller?
112. What are the UI elements u have used as part of ur WD project?
113. Difference between External context Mapping and Internal Context Mapping?
114. Can u take up the challenge of Leading a TEAM for Webdynpro?
115. How to use “RoadMap” UI element in Webdynpro apps?
116. What is a Interface View?
117. How many plugs are available in Webdynpro?
118. Explain about u r WD ABAP Projects?
119. What are the roles and responsibilities in u r projects?
120. Did u interact with u r clients?
121. Explain about u r Consultancy?
122. What is u r current salary[CTC] ?
123. What is u r expected salary?
124. To whom u will report?Who is your Reporting Manager?
125. what is the “Organization Structure” of u company?
126. To Whom u will intimate if u get any problem?
127. How u will communicate with ur co-developers,Project Manager,TeamLead and administrators in u r company?
128. What are the various resources to resolve the errors/ tickets/ problems in realtime?
129. How you will update the new concepts ?
130. What is recursive node and non-recursive node?
131. What is singleton node and non-singleton node?
132. Difference between Popup window and External window, confirmationDialog windows?
134. How to use/call one component in another component?
135. Which Generic Functions are Offered by WebDynpro ALV?s?
136. Describe the ALV usage in WDABAP?
137. Difference between “Method” and “Action”?
138. How many components you have created in your each project?
139. How many types of messages are available in WDABAP?
140. Can you display error message based on Attribute in WD ABAP?
141. What is the duration of each WebDynproProject you have developed?
142. What is the total WebDynpro ABAP Expierence?
143. When to use Invisible Ui Element?
144. Difference between RadioButtonGroupByIndex & RadioButtonGroupByKey?
145. What is the advantage of implementing/designing browser based Apps using WebDynpro ABAP Framework?
146. What is Phase Model? What is the basic Process Flow of any WD ABAP app?
147. What are the methods available in “IF_WD_COMPONENT_USAGE”?
148. What are the methods available in “IF_WD_MESSAGE_MANAGER”?
149. What are the methods available in “IF_WD_WINDOW_MANAGER”?
150.What are the standard Interfaces and CLasses available for Webdynpro ABAP?
151.What is FPM? What is the advantage of Using FPM?
152.What is UIBB? what it contains?
153.Which interface is Re-implemented for FPM usage?
154.What are the standard components used for FPM Roadmao and Tabstrip?
155.can we design RoadMap scenario without using FPM? and How?
156.waht are the standard events , methods and nodes of interface controller of SALV_WD_TABLE component?
157.what type of aditional features you have customized for ALV integration in Webdynpro?
158.How to integrated Webdynpro Components into SAP Portal? what is the advantage of portal integration?
159.How to use Interactive Form in WEbdynpro ABAP applications?
160.what are component usages?
161.what are INterface methods?
162.What is Cross COmponent Programmming?
163.How to access Interface mehtods in Other Components?
164.what is the use of code Wizard ?what are the various options we find in COde wizard?
165.HOw to assign Internal Table records TO Node in Webdynpro?
166.Is node independent of Screen Elements or dependent on Screen elements?
167.IS webdynpro, Browser Dependent or Browser Independent?
168.In which situation we use "FPM_GAF_COMPONENT"?
169.In which situation we use "FPM_OIF_COMPONENT"?
170.In which situation we create "Interface Nodes" ?
171.can we create multiple applications for a Component or not? And what is the advantage ?
172.what are the various properties of a node?
173.How to provide user-specific settings for an APplication?
174.How to transfer data from one view to another view?
175.Can we transfer data using Outbound plugs or not?
176.difference between Model class and Assistance class in Webdynpro?
177.what is the super class of Assistance Class?
178.What is the purpose of "WD_ASSIST" standard object? 
179.What are the FPM specific Standard Methods in WEbdynpro?
180.can we write ABAP code inside Webdynpro ABAP? Which ABAP statements we can use,and which ABAP statements cannot be used in WEBDynpro ABAP?
181.What is the Purpose of Table Cell Editor?
182.what is the use of Input Element property?
183.Did u work on Webdynpro Enhancements?
184.What are the various types of Enhancements?
185.what are the various Enhancement methods in Webdynpro?
186.Which standard components you have enhanced as part of your project?
187.what type of customization you have done using Enhancement framework?
188.what are the main properties of Interactive Form Screen Element?
189.What are the pre-conditions for External Context Mapping?
190.what is Context in webdynpro?
191.Did u involve in webdynpro support activities? what are the critical tickets you have resolved?
192.What is your rating in Webdynpro ABAP out of 5 points?
193.What are the common issues we expect in Support project?
194.Which interface we Re-Implement for Floor plan Manager Configuration?
195.What are the various Floor plans U have used in webdynpro floor plan Manager development?
196.What is the use of FPM_OVP_Component?
197.What is the use of FPM_IDR_Component?
198.What is the Use of UIBB and GUIBB ?
199.For which type of applications we use FPM?
200.What is the meaning of "FLOOR PLAN " in FPM?
201.Can we include windows of different components in single FPM app?
202.Can we Use multiple UIBB's in Single FPM App?
203.Can we create Buttons thru FPM ? And how we implement code for those FPM buttons?
204.What are the different types of search helps available in WEbdynpro?
205.Explain About Offline Adobe Form Scenario?
206.Can we open Window of another component as PopUP Window?
207.How to use Check box , DropDown box inside Table screen element?
208.What is View Assembly? how to design View Assembly?
209.How to Create Nodes and Attributes dynamically at runtime?
210.How to make TExts, Titles, VIsibility,Enable Properties dynamic ?
211.What are the various Performance measures you have taken for webdynpro development?
212.How to Terminate window from a browser?
213.What are Table Popins ? In which situation we use Table Popins?
214.Difference between Body Pages and Master Pages?
215.What are the softwares required for Desiging Adobe Forms?
216.What is the difference between OFFLINE a& ONLINE Adobe Form Scenario?
217.What are the Disadvantages of Offline Adobe Form scenario?
218.How to Handle Validations in Adobe Forms?
219.What are the various editors of ADobe Live cycle designer?
220.What are the various Library controls u have used in Adobe Forms?
221.WHat templates you have customized in Adobe Forms?
222.Can we make Non-Interactive adobe Form to Interactive Adobe Form?
223.In Which situation we use Nested Nodes concepts in webdynpro?
224.What is the use of PDFSOURCE property in Interactiv Forms?
225.What is the purpose of SubForms concept in Adobe forms designing?
226.What type of ABAP statements we can use in WEbdynpro ABAP?
227.Can we use SY-LISEL, SY-PAGNO, SY-UCOMMM in webdynpro?
229.What is the use of Contextual Panel in webdynpro ABAP?
230.Can we display SmartForms output in WEbdynpro? How ?
231.How to use multiple ALV Tables in webdynpro?
231.what is the use of ON_CLICK event and ON_LEAD_SELECT event in ALV integration in webdynpro?
232.How to display Static texts in Adobe Form?
233.How to Debug webdynpro ABAP components?
234.How to Transport Webdynpro ABAP components from Development server to Testing server and to Production server?
235.How did you learn webdynpro ABAP and Adobe Forms ?
236.How to improve the performance of your Application ( ABAP, WEBDYNPRO etc. )
237.How to Transport the objects from dev to Quality and to Production servers?
238.How to handle runtime errors ?
239.How to check the performance of your application/report ( ABAP, WEbdynpro etc..)
240.What is the use of SQL trace, ? ST22 ,Runtime analysis, Dump Analysis etc...
241.WHo are the endusers for your application that u have developed ?
242.What are the common errors and critical errors u faced while developing your Applications( ABAP, WEBDYNPRO )etc..
243.How you have resolved the critical errors ?
244.How you will get the requirements from your superiors? 
245.How and what type of Support issues you have got & resolved in your support activities?
246.Which support Tool u use for handling tickets?
247.How you communicate with your Lead ,manager, etc...?
248.How to debug ABAP/WEbdynpro ABAP applications ?
249.How you will proceed in resolving " HIGH PRIORITY " requirements/Tickets/Issues?
250.What are your roles and responsibilities in your current project?
251.Explain Briefly about atleast current project ?
252.What are the standard methods of IF_FPM_UI_BUILDING_BLOCK interface ?
253.what are the standard events in Roadmap Floor plan manager ?
254.What is freely Programmed search help in webdynpro ?
255.what is Feeder class ? and What is its Use ?
256.Difference between Radiobutton Group by key & Radiobutton Group by Index?
257.Difference between Component controller & custom controller ?
258.What are the advantages of FLoor Plan Manager ?
259.What are "Hooker Methods" in webdynpro ?
260.what are the function modules used in implementing Driver program for Adobe Forms?
261.What are configuration Data sets in webdynpro ?
262.What is "SUGGEST Values" functionality and how to configure in webdynpro ?
263.What are the various Types of Plugs in webdynpro?
264.How to adjust the screen elements in a view ?
265.What is the use of Tranparent container?
266.what is the use of "Instantiate Option" in code wizard ?
267.Difference between get_static_attributes( ) and get_static_attributes_table( ) ?
268.Difference between bind_table(..abap_true ) and bind_table(..abap_false ) ?
269.what is the use of Bind_structure( ) method ?
270.Difference between bind_table( ) and Set_static_attributes( ) ?
271.Difference between Set_attribute( ) and Set_static_attributes( )?
272.Difference between Get_attribute( ) and Get_static_attributes( )?

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