
50+ Interview Questions on SDLC (Software Development Life Cycle)

50+ Interview Questions on SDLC (Software Development Life Cycle)

1) What is SDLC?

Software Life Cycle Model is a systematic approach to develop Software. 

2) What are the phases in Software Development Life Cycle?

Requirements Gathering
Analysis & Planning
Software Design
Coding or Implementation
Release & Maintenance
Note: Phase names may vary from one company to another 

3) What is STLC?

Software Testing Life Cycle or Software Test Process is a formal way to perform Testing.

4) What are the phases in Software Testing Life Cycle?

Test Planning
Test Design
Test Execution
Test Closure

5) What is Bug Life Cycle?

Bug Life Cycle is the Process through which a defect or bug goes starts when defect found & ends when defect is closed.

Different Flows in Bug Life Cycle

New: Tester provides new status while Reporting (for the first time)

Open: Developer / Dev lead /DTT opens the Defect

Rejected: Developer / Dev lead /DTT rejects if the defect is invalid or defect

Fixed: Developer provides fixed status after fixing the defect

Deferred: Developer provides this status due to time

Closed: Tester provides closed status after performing confirmation Testing

Re-open: Tester Re-opens the defect with valid reasons and proofs 

6) What is ALM (Application Lifecycle Management)?

Application Lifecycle Management (ALM) is a continuous process of managing the life of Software application through development, testing and maintenance.

7) What are the phases in Software Application Life Cycle?

Development phase
Testing phase
Production phase

8) What is Error?

Any mismatch in Computer programming, another name is Mistake.

9) What is Defect or Bug?

Any mismatch that found in testing phase

10) What is Failure?

Any mismatch that found in production phase (Customer environment)

11) What is Waterfall Model?

The waterfall model is a sequential software development approach,  in which progress is seen as flowing steadily downwards (like a waterfall) through the phases of Requirements Gathering, Analysis and Planning, Software Design, Coding or Implementation, Testing and Release & Maintenance.  

12) What is V Model?

A framework, It describes the software development lifecycle activities from
requirements specification to Release & maintenance. 

The V-model illustrates how testing activities can be integrated into each phase of the software development lifecycle.

13) What is Prototype Model?

14) What is Spiral Model?

15) What is Agile Model?

16) What is Quality?

The degree to which a component, system or process meets specified requirements and/or user/customer needs and expectations. 

17) What is Software Quality?

18) What is SQA (Software Quality Assurance)?

19) What is Quality Control?

20) What is Verification?

21) What is Validation?

22) What is Testing?

23) What is the relation between Quality and Testing?

24) What are the advantages of Waterfall Model?

25) What are the disadvantages of Waterfall Model?

26) What are the advantages of V Model?

27) What are the disadvantages of V Model?

28) What are the advantages of Prototype model?

29) What are the disadvantages of Prototype model?

30) What are the advantages of Agile model?

31) What are the disadvantages of Agile model?

32) What is Requirement?

33) What is Requirement Specification?

34) What is BRS?

35) What is SRS?

36) What is High Level Design or Global Design?

37) What is Detailed Design or Low Level Design?

38) What are the important types of Requirements?

39) What is Business Requirement?

40) What is Software Requirement?

41) What is Test Requirement?

42) What is Software Release?

43) What is Software Maintenance?

44) What is Change Request?

45) What is PIN Document and who prepares this document?

46) What are the teams involved in Software Development?

47) What is Static Testing?

48) What is Dynamic Testing?

49) Why we use Test Design Techniques?

Exhaustive testing is impractical so we use Test Design Techniques in order to reduce the sizes of input and output domains. 

50) What is Exhaustive Testing?

A test approach in which the test suite comprises all combinations of
input values and preconditions.

51) What is Quality Management?

Coordinated activities to direct and control an organization with regard
to quality. 

Direction and control with regard to quality generally includes the establishment of the quality policy and quality objectives, quality planning, quality control, quality assurance and quality improvement.

100 Selenium Webdriver interview questions with answers by

100 Selenium Webdriver interview questions with answers by

1.  Difference between Absolute path & Relative path.
Absolute path will start with root path (/) and Relative path will from current path (//)
Absolute xPath : /html/body/div[3]/div[2]/div[2]/div[2]/div[2]/div[2]/div[2]/div/div[4]/div[1]/div/div[@id='main']/div[@id='Blog1']/div[1]/div[1]/div/div[1]/div/h3/a

Relative xPath : //h3/a[text()='Working on New Window']
2.  Tell me some TestNG Annotations.

3.  What are desired capabilities?
Desired Capabilities help to set properties for the Web Driver. A typical use case would be to
set the path for the Firefox Driver if your local installation doesn't correspond to the default
4.  Difference between Selenium RC and Selenium Web driver.
 Difference between Selenium RC and Selenium Web driver.

Selenium RC
Selenium Web driver
Selenium RC’s architecture is way more complicated.
Web Driver’s architecture is simpler than Selenium RC’s.
Selenium RC is slower since it uses a JavaScript program called Selenium Core.This Selenium Core is the one that directly controls the browser, not you.
Web Driver is faster than Selenium RC since it speaks directly to the browser uses the browser’s own engine to control it.
Selenium Core, just like other JavaScript codes, can access disabled elements.
Web Driver interacts with page elements in a more realistic way.
Selenium RC’s API is more matured but contains redundancies and often confusing commands.
Web Driver’s API is simpler than Selenium RC’s. It does not contain redundant and confusing commands.
Selenium RC cannot support the headless HtmlUnit browser. It needs a real, visible browser to operate on.
Web Driver can support the headless HtmlUnit browser.
Selenium RC Has Built-In Test Result Generator. Selenium RC automatically generates an HTML file of test results. 
Web Driver has no built-in command that automatically generates a Test Results File.
Selenium RC needs the help of the RC Server in order to do so.
web Driver directly talks to the browser
Selenium RC can support new browsers
It cannot readily support new browsers
5.  Difference between Web driver listener and  TestNG Listener.
TestNG and Web driver Listener have different interfaces to implement and call them. They both
modify respective behaviour. You can use Listeners in Annotation. Below 2 URL gives the
 detailed  list of listener and their interfaces.
6. Describe your framework.
Refer automation link
7.  Which is the best way to locate an element?
Finding elements by ID is usually going to be the fastest option, because at its root, it eventually calls down to document.getElementById(), which is optimized by many browsers.

Finding elements by XPath is useful for finding elements using very complex selectors, and is the most flexible selection strategy, but it has the potential to be very slow, particularly in IE. In IE 6, 7, or 8, finding by XPath can be an order of magnitude slower than doing the same in Firefox. IE provides no native XPath-over-HTML solution, so the project must use a JavaScript XPath implementation, and the JavaScript engine in legacy versions of IE really is that much slower.

If you have a need to find an element using a complex selector, I usually recommend using CSS Selectors, if possible. It's not quite as flexible as XPath, but will cover many of the same cases, without exhibiting the extreme performance penalty on IE that XPath can.
8.  Why we refer Firefox driver to the web driver  inheritance. 
web Driver driver = new FireFoxDriver();
WebDriver is an interface which contain several abstract methods such as get(...), findElamentBy(...) etc.
We simply create reference of web Driver and we can assign objects (Firefox driver, CromeDriver, IEDriver, Andriod driver etc) to it.
Ex :
WebDriver driver = new FireFoxDriver();-----------(1)
If we are using (1) we can do the same thing by using
FireFoxDriver driver = new FireFoxDriver();---------(2)
We can use (1) and (2) for same purpose but if we want to switch to another browser in same program
then again we have to create the object of other class as for example
CromeDriver driver = new CromeDriver();.
creating object of several class is not good. So we create the reference of WebDriver and
we assign the objects of another class as for example
WebDriver driver; // it is created only one time in the program
driver = new FireFoxDriver();// any where in the program
driver = new CromeDriver(); // any where in the program
9.  What are the features of TestNG?
TestNG is a testing framework designed to simplify a broad range of testing needs, from
unit testing (testing a class in isolation of the others) to integration testing (testing entire
systems made of several classes, several packages and even several external frameworks,
 such as application servers). You can use test suite,annotations, automatically generation
 of report and much more.
10.   What is the difference between thread.Sleep()  and selenium. Set Speed ("2000")?
If the application is taking time to load the page then we use selenium.waitforpageload(" "). This command is doesn’t wait upto the given time whenever the page load is completed.
If the application is taking time to refresh the page, then we use Thread. Sleep ( ).it is a standard wait it simply wait to the given time.
 1. Takes a single argument in string format
 Ex: selenium.setSpeed("2000") - will wait for 2 seconds
 2. Runs each command in after setSpeed delay by the number of milliseconds mentioned in set Speed.
 1. Takes a single argument in integer format
 ex: thread. Sleep(2000) - will wait for 2 seconds
 2. Waits for only once at the command given at sleep.

Download Next 90 Selenium webdriver interview  Questions and answers From

Top 25 Selenium Webdriver Interview Questions and answers

Webdriver (Selenium ) Interview Questions and answers

Question 1: What is Selenium 2.0
Answer: Webdriver is open source automation tool for web application. WebDriver is designed to provide a simpler, more concise programming interface in addition to addressing some limitations in the Selenium-RC API.

Question 2: What is cost of webdriver, is this commercial or open source.
Answer: selenium  is open source and free of cost.

Question 3: how you specify browser configurations with Selenium 2.0?
Answer:  Following driver classes are used for browser configuration
  • AndroidDriver,
  • ChromeDriver,
  • EventFiringWebDriver,
  • FirefoxDriver,
  • HtmlUnitDriver,
  • InternetExplorerDriver,
  • IPhoneDriver,
  • IPhoneSimulatorDriver,
  • RemoteWebDriver
Question 4: How is Selenium 2.0 configuration different than Selenium 1.0?
Answer: In case of Selenium 1.0 you need Selenium jar file pertaining to one library for example in case of java you need java client driver and also Selenium server jar file. While with Selenium 2.0 you need language binding (i.e. java, C# etc) and Selenium server jar if you are using Remote Control or Remote WebDriver.

Question5: Can you show me one code example of setting Selenium 2.0?
Answer: below is example
WebDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver();
driver.findElement(By.cssSelector("#gb_2 > span.gbts")).click();
driver.findElement(By.cssSelector("#gb_1 > span.gbts")).click();
driver.findElement(By.cssSelector("#gb_8 > span.gbts")).click();
driver.findElement(By.cssSelector("#gb_1 > span.gbts")).click();

Question 6: Which web driver implementation is fastest?
Answer: HTMLUnitDriver. Simple reason is HTMLUnitDriver does not execute tests on browser but plain http request – response which is far quick than launching a browser and executing tests. But then you may like to execute tests on a real browser than something running behind the scenes

Question 7: What all different element locators are available with Selenium 2.0?
Answer: Selenium 2.0 uses same set of locators which are used by Selenium 1.0 – id, name, css, XPath but how Selenium 2.0 accesses them is different. In case of Selenium 1.0 you don’t have to specify a different method for each locator while in case of Selenium 2.0 there is a different method available to use a different element locator. Selenium 2.0 uses following method to access elements with id, name, css and XPath locator –
driver.findElement(By. className ("CalssName”));
driver.findElement(By. linkText ("LinkeText”));
driver.findElement(By. partialLinkText ("PartialLink”));
driver.findElement(By. tagName ("TanName”));

Question 8:  How do I submit a form using Selenium?
WebElement el  =  driver.findElement("ElementID"));

Question 9: How to capture screen shot in Webdriver?
File file= ((TakesScreenshot)driver).getScreenshotAs(OutputType.FILE);
FileUtils.copyFile(file, new File("c:\\name.png"));

Question 10: How do I clear content of a text box in Selenium 2.0?
WebElement el  =  driver.findElement("ElementID"));

Question 11:  How to execute java scripts function.
JavascriptExecutor js = (JavascriptExecutor) driver;
String title = (String) js.executeScript("pass your java scripts");

Question 12:  How to select a drop down value using Selenium2.0?
Answer: See point 16 in below post: 

Question 13: How to automate radio button in Selenium 2.0?
WebElement el = driver.findElement("Radio button id"));

//to perform check operation

//verfiy to radio button is check it return true if selected else false

Question 14: How to capture element image using Selenium 2.0?

Question 15: How to count total number of rows of a table using Selenium 2.0?
List {WebElement} rows = driver.findElements(By.className("//table[@id='tableID']/tr"));
int totalRow = rows.size();

Question 16:  How to capture page title using Selenium 2.0?
String title =  driver.getTitle()

Question 17:  How to store page source using Selenium 2.0?
String pagesource = driver.getPageSource()

Question 18: How to store current url using selenium 2.0?
String currentURL  = driver.getCurrentUrl()

Question 19: How to assert text assert text of webpage using selenium 2.0?
WebElement el  =  driver.findElement("ElementID"));
//get test from element and stored in text variable
String text = el.getText();

//assert text from expected
Assert.assertEquals("Element Text", text);

Question 20: How to get element attribute using Selenium 2.0?
WebElement el  =  driver.findElement("ElementID"));
//get test from element and stored in text variable
String attributeValue = el. getAttribute("AttributeName") ;

Question 21: How to double click on element using selenium 2.0?
WebElement el  =  driver.findElement("ElementID"));

Actions builder = new Actions(driver);

Question 22: How to perform drag and drop in selenium 2.0?
WebElement source  =  driver.findElement("Source ElementID"));
WebElement destination  =  driver.findElement("Taget ElementID"));

Actions builder = new Actions(driver);
builder.dragAndDrop(source, destination ).perform();

Question 23: How to maximize window using selenium 2.0?

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